

Upscaling hydrogen production in an area with a congested electricity grid.

The challenge

The province of Flevoland (NL) is known for massive generation of renewable electricity based on solar and wind energy. Without specific measures the local electricity grid gets overloaded almost continuously, which means that a portion of the electricity is lost through soc. curtailment, i.e. blocking electricity generation in periods of oversupply. How can hydrogen production enable the beneficial use of electricity which otherwise would be lost?

Solution and impact

Connected to a private grid the enterprise Circul8 (CIRCUL8 – Home) plans to produce green hydrogen using locally generated renewable electricity and local water sources. This will help minimizing curtailment at the private grid. Stepwise the hydrogen production capacity will be increased from 2000 up to over 10.000 ton green hydrogen per annum. Simultaneously markets for use of the green hydrogen are developed, like road transport, inland shipping and agriculture.


Allied Waters provides support to the HyDeer project at various levels, including concept development, optimizing ultrapure water and electricity supply, pre-engineering and markets for green hydrogen.

Learn more

Have a look at the website Projecten – CIRCUL8, and watch the film to get an impression of this exciting project.

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