Renewable energy as a life’s work

Lifetime Achievement Award for our science partner Prof. Ad van Wijk

On 15 January, Ad van Wijk, guest professor at KWR, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Clean Tech Business Club (CBC) – a recognition of his lifelong work in the field of renewable energy. The award was presented at a gala dinner during the CBC’s sixth conference in Abu Dhabi. “An enormous honour,” said Van Wijk. “And a recognition of what I have been able to contribute so far to the energy transition.”

The CBC is an international organisation that brings together companies with a focus on clean energy. With representatives from all over the world and headquarters in Paris, the focus is on the Middle East. Originally, the CBC started out with companies working in solar energy; it has since broadened its scope to include other forms of renewable energy such as hydrogen. “Prior to the conference, I was asked to serve as Honorary Chairman of the hydrogen hub at CBC,” Van Wijk says. “A request I was happy to agree to.”

Further reading Renewable energy as a life’s work – KWR (

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