Best Practice Award on Resource Recovery 2023, initiated by Allied Waters and AquaMinerals
Best Practice Award on Resource Recovery 2023, initiated by Allied Waters and AquaMinerals
Cleaning water is the core business of the water sector. But there is much more to it! Electricity, biogas, paper, glass, biopolymers, fertilizer and even cosmetics are products ‘made from...
Hysolar: Contracting company Jos Scholman launches hydrogen-powered mobile crane
Hysolar: Contracting company Jos Scholman launches hydrogen-powered mobile crane
Since 2020, the contracting company Jos Scholman – the co-founder of Hysolar with Allied Waters – has been investing heavily in hydrogen-powered vehicles. After the launch with eleven passenger cars,...
Renewable energy as a life’s work
Renewable energy as a life’s work
Lifetime Achievement Award for our science partner Prof. Ad van Wijk On 15 January, Ad van Wijk, guest professor at KWR, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Clean Tech...
Driving the circular economy
KWR - Allied Waters

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