Hysolar: Contracting company Jos Scholman launches hydrogen-powered mobile crane

Since 2020, the contracting company Jos Scholman – the co-founder of Hysolar with Allied Waters – has been investing heavily in hydrogen-powered vehicles. After the launch with eleven passenger cars, eight Dual Fuel hydrogen-powered tractors and four tool carriers (aka ‘holders) are now in operation. And the next step has already been taken: an all-electric crane fitted with hydrogen fuel cells.

Mobile crane

So Scholman’s latest acquisition is a mobile crane. With a new machine in mind, the diesel generator has been replaced by hydrogen fuel cells that supply the electricity needed for the electric motor. Meanwhile, the first mobile excavator is in operation and the second is also ready for use. The technology developed during the process is also accessible for third parties. In this way, Scholman hopes to provide an extra boost for the energy transition and therefore to further expand the scope of hydrogen applications.

Later this year: vans and trucks

So far, with the exception of the passenger cars, the vehicles have been converted from conventional versions to hydrogen-powered vehicles. That will start to change gradually now. This year, two car brands are launching their hydrogen-powered delivery vans on the market and delivering them directly from the factory. Things are moving in that direction with trucks as well, although the process will take time. Scholman already has advanced plans for the purchase of hydrogen-powered delivery vans and trucks this year.

Invitation to get on board

Scholman teamed up with Allied Waters and KWR as far back as 2019, when it started to develop a vision for the energy transition and move down the road towards hydrogen. The technology for converting tractors, holders and cranes is also available for other companies. The manufacturer New Holland, for example, has already sold several Dual Fuel tractors in the Netherlands and Belgium, and this development clearly demonstrates that there is market demand. “We find that our forward-looking approach is generating more orders from clients who also think this is important,” says director Robert Scholman. Walter Corsten, operations manager at Scholman, continues: “We also find that these innovative techniques have an appeal. Well-qualified people are eager to join our company.”

The investments were made possible in part by subsidies from the national DKTI programme (‘Groen op Weg’ – Lokale productie en afname van groene hydrogen voor transport | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst) and the EU LIFE programme (Life New Hyts | Renewable green hydrogen for transport).

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