H2Bio: green hydrogen for biosynthesis

This week the Belgian biotech R&D company Avecom, KWR Watercycle research institute and Allied Waters have agreed to start the Collab H2Bio. This Collab focuses on biosynthesis of organic compounds by bacteria using green hydrogen as an energy source. Proteins are an example of such compounds.

Green hydrogen is typically produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen (electrolysis of water). The electricity required is generated from renewable sources (e.g. wind, sun, biomass). Presently, hydrogen receives increasing attention as (1) fuel for cars, (2) media for energy storage and here (3) as an energy source for bacteria producing feed and food.

In the Collab H2Bio Avecom, KWR and Allied Waters will closely cooperate in developing technology and markets for biosynthetic compounds starting from green hydrogen. Avecom and KWR already cooperate since early 2014 on H2Bio related topics.  Biosynthesis of protein is subject of a joint project which includes several other partners.

“Here, water is a source of hydrogen and oxygen, which together with CO2  and fresh as well as reclaimed nutrients are excellent resources to produce valuable microbial products. The hydrogen based biotech route fits well in the context of the circular economy and the Paris convention as regards to carbon capture and storage”, comments Willy Verstraete, director of Avecom and prof. em. at Ghent University.

About Avecom

Avecom focuses on the development of novel processes and products fit for use in the environmental and food/feed industry. See www.avecom.be.

About KWR

“Bridging science to practice” is the mission of KWR Watercycle Research Institute. KWR researchers work at the interface of science, business and society, enabling the transfer of scientific knowledge into practical and implementable solutions for end-users especially in the water sector. See www.kwrwater.nl.

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