Circular solutions for aluminium sludges

Worldwide aluminium salts are used in drinking water treatment for the removal of clay particles, algae and other suspended solids present in raw surface waters. In most cases the residual sludge goes to waste disposal sites, nowadays at ever increasing cost. Further, rather than disposal a more sustainable, circular solution is required. Worldwide the estimated volume of aluminium sludge amounts to over 5 million tons per annum.

The key question is: can cost reduction and sustainability go hand in hand? The answer is yes, as already proven in practice for other residuals from drinking water production including lime pellets and ferric sludges. Aluminium based sludges are the next target where Allied Waters is deeply involved.

Malysia – Netherlands symposium

During the national conference of the Malaysian water industry (26-28 November 2019) a full day will be dedicated to beneficial use of residuals, aluminium sludge being the focal area. This is an exciting event for sharing Malaysian input and Dutch experiences, presented by Allied Waters, AquaMinerals and KWR.

Producing building materials in Ghana

Recently we started a feasibility study focused on beneficial use of aluminium sludge for construction materials (bricks, cement) in Ghana. This project is a joint undertaking of Allied Waters, Ghana Water, Royal HaskoningDHV, Safi Sana and Vitens Evides International. The project is co-funded by the Dutch national SBIR program.

The Alu Circles initiative

The objective of Alu Circles is to develop beyond-state-of-the art options for upcycling aluminium sludges. This is a joint initiative of Allied Waters, AquaMinerals, Corvers Procurement Services and De Watergroep (Belgium). Other water suppliers are invited to participate in order to develop a full scale solution within two years.

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