COASTAR® is the acronym for COastal Aquifer STorage And Recharge. The presence of both fresh and saline groundwater is very common in coastal zones, and freshwater extraction may therefore result in the salinization of groundwater systems. COASTAR focuses on large-scale freshwater supply using the subsurface. Storing freshwater in the underground accommodates imbalances in the availability and demand of water over time and space. COASTAR builds on recent developments in sensoring technologies, groundwater modelling, well design, spatial integration and management, enabling maximum control over underground water resources.

Actually, COASTAR opens a window of opportunities for practical applications. These include efficient freshwater storage and recovery, mitigation of salinization of aquifers, enabling water reuse, water stewardship and improved stormwater management. With a strong reference base in the Dutch water sector, the COASTAR concept represents strong global potential for application.


Back in 2015 Allied Waters has been initiator of COASTAR jointly with Arcadis (, Deltares ( and KWR ( A combination of key know-how, strong reference cases, research and innovation capabilities and global presence. Over the past years COASTAR has developed towards a broader network organization.

Allied Waters, driving the circular economy. 


Het idee achter COASTAR uitgelegd vanuit het Nederlandse en het internationale perspectief.

More information on the COASTAR website (in Dutch) >> 

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